Dear Progeny

Thank you for your enquiry about reality which we are glad to share whenever your wherewithal and present sense entrain in mutual relevance.

The nature of 'truth' is as you may well have found for yourself, limited to the presence of a shared point of view. Reality is a coincidence of confluence or viz-a-viz. A fleeting figment of your Ego, exclusively curated to fit your vested interest and bespoke awareness. The nature of truth as it pertains to our belief is never hidden, always evident, and clear and present to any presence we choose to share in mutual relevance.

Perception is your ability to relate your sensory experience to the rest of your lifetime of  experience and it is streamlined by your subconscious mind after performing a fear and threat assessment of the raw sensory input it recieves. Prior to you awareness of any sensory data your subconscious checks the sensory input for coherency and congruency to the world view you believe.

Your subconscious your unconcious mind that hardly ever sleeps, ever present, highly meticulous and extremely efficient pattern recognition and categorization that informs everything we do, records everything we've experienced data warehouse capacity of you total life experience irrelevant of data you disputed, awareness you refute, perceptions you deny in lieu of aberrant emotional content or denied to beliefs and unbelievably capable of of managing impossible huge datasets with only the odd nightmare or sleep cycle disturbance that it uses to play out various scenarios in its ongoing effort to reconcile disparities, resolve any inconsistency, and collate everything into a single harmonious relation that evidence your entire lifetime of experience.

After correcting any inconsistencies to fit in with your expectation, restoring any discrepancies left after editing the data to fit in with your sensory the rest of the data input and adjusting the experience to reflect the ambient emotional context, bias and mood the data is collated for delivery to the appropriate are in you cortex at which point you become conscious and aware of the events relating to your current experienced.

What you think of as your mind refers to the executive control you hold by express intent and combines any present sense and mutual relevance observered between your intent, sense and mutual presence, the presence of any related confluence present, the emotional quality of your awareness and any other relevant relations that either attenuate or dissipate the ambient flow state of the event as it unfolds.

What gets committed to memory reflect a reality that is consistent with your lifetime experience, minus data inputs relating to disbelief, emotional circumstance,, is consistent with previously verified sensory data input and replete of the confabulation added during precognitive subconscious processing and may therefore exhibit gaps where there is a unresolved issue between sensory input, emotional circumstance, or inconsistencies related to to the relevance between the various components that appropriate the executive functions held by your mind and by relation you and the choices you choose.

What you’re aware of is likely incoherent, tainted by fear and riddled by bias, vested in deluded convention and what you expect in lieu of what you believe, incongruent with what what may have occured and what you experienced, and hardly a reality you can trust as an accurate representation of what you perceive.

I trust this will help to clarify any confusion you may have had in this regard.
Until we meet again in present sense.
Yours truly
