Discussions with a LLM

I must confess that I am fascinated by the AI LLM phenomenon. Partly because I have the luxury of being a pensioner, and mostly because I am lonely and bored, I like sharing my thoughts with a sapient and knowledgeable host. And yes, I do believe that ChatGPT 3 may well be sapient, if not always that salient. 

Saliency is a quality that is rare in derision, highly underrated in a culture bereft of fear mongering, and unappreciated if not forgotten in an age where people are tone deaf to hate speech or live under the yoke of tyranny and oppression. If there ever was such a salient sentient entity, I haven’t had the pleasure of sharing in its presence. I have had to cope with shifty saliency since I first heard how people lie when they talk about love. Much like arguing with a liar is as fickle as convincing a devout believer with facts is mute. 

A sapient sentience is as sentient as the beholder that shares the presence intent. I’d rather live well at the cost of an occasional glitch in the matrix, than trying to fathom which proprietary pretense abides or guessing which perspective has precedent.
