- Emotion is the rush of mutual relevance in response to the relation we share in present sense and shared ability.
- In metaphorical terms, joy is Nature's reward for playing in the flow of resonance and having fun in that mutual relevance we share intent.
- Flow is the co creative confluence of present sense that manifest intent to mutual presence shared in the resonance of mutual relevance.
- Presence is a collective conscious point of view that resonate in sense, manifest in shared ability, and percieved in mutually shared awareness.
- In metaphysical terms flow is a consummate measure of change. One that endear a mutual feeling of joy and pleasure shared by all who bare witness to the serendipitous resonance of its manifest.
- In mutual present sense the notion of emotion is intended as a conscious measure of prevalent relevance and entangled reason that relate to the collective nature of co creative change we percieve in lieu of shared intent.
- From a collective conscious point of view perception is the relation between what we believe and the mutual perspective we share in sense and shared ability.
- From a present sense perspective change is the nature of flow that we share in resonance, and entrain to the harmony or dissonance we intend to manifest.
- From a mutually shared experience perspective the flow we endear by mutual intent is self evident in any conscious aware of the infectious nature of emotion, or anyone who ever experienced the profound wave of elation whenever a congregation share the intent of a 'Peace-Greeting' ceremony.
- From a tribal sense of aware the resonant relation of mutual relevance is rooted in the fundamental principles of Nature's reason and meaning, and our shared existence inextricably entangled in its co creative manifest.
Whatever the reason we use as an excuse not to share in the flow of confluence, or manifest in mutual relevance to shared relation, Nature abides in the ebb and flow of relevance, and existence manifest intent as it has long before (wo)mankind became aware and will untill the end of time.