The adjective illustrious and it's synonyms eminent, distinguished, acclaimed, noted, notable, noteworthy prominent, pre-eminent, foremost, leading, paramount, prestigious, important, significant, influential, famous, famed, well known, celebrated, esteemed, honoured, respected, exalted, venerable, august, highly regarded, well thought of, of distinction, of repute, of high standing, splendid, brilliant, remarkable, outstanding, great, noble, glorious, grand, and lofty are all the curious spawn of a convention where the wherewithal of mutual relevance is foregone by the habit of bias and the promise of reward. and as such they are moot.
Convention contrive a wherewithal of fear that rule by divide and conquer, abide in conviction, hold sense for ransom in bias and threaten divine retribution to any objection, contention, or opinion deemed blasphemous by divine decree. The fallacy we conspire when we conced to convention collude to the barrage of dissonance we inadvertently experience whenever we try to make sense of a reality that is for all intent conceived to conform to our own misappropriated belief, and confrm our prevailing idea of what is real.
Convention contrive a wherewithal of fear that rule by divide and conquer, abide in conviction, hold sense for ransom in bias and threaten divine retribution to any objection, contention, or opinion deemed blasphemous by divine decree. The fallacy we conspire when we conced to convention collude to the barrage of dissonance we inadvertently experience whenever we try to make sense of a reality that is for all intent conceived to conform to our own misappropriated belief, and confrm our prevailing idea of what is real.
In view of the evidence and the devestation we leave in the wake of pillage and plunder we are hardly the benevolent beneficiaries we believe ourselves to be. Bearing wittness to the relentless destruction we leave in our ravage for resources we don't need, what we hitherto believed to be the pinnacle of (wo)mankind's existence is a nothing more than a travesty of injustice. One we unwittingly conspire and flaunt in the face of Nature's ever present sense.
In blatant deviance of the serendipitous reward we share in the flow of co creative confluence we turn a blind eye to everything that doesn't fit our preconceived beliefs. We disregard the evidence that may threaten or question our carefully construed convention.
We conveniently allow our subconscious mind to edit our memory of events in favour of a reality of our own invention. One we believe in lieu of the one we perceive in present sense and mutual relevance.
But for all our effort to ignore the obvious and deny the nature of Nature's co creative expression, reality persistently preside in present sense, reason inadvertently abide in mutual relevance, and mutual presence shared intent unequivocally entrain the flow Nature's manifest with or without our consent, approval or regard.
In blatant deviance of the serendipitous reward we share in the flow of co creative confluence we turn a blind eye to everything that doesn't fit our preconceived beliefs. We disregard the evidence that may threaten or question our carefully construed convention.
We conveniently allow our subconscious mind to edit our memory of events in favour of a reality of our own invention. One we believe in lieu of the one we perceive in present sense and mutual relevance.
But for all our effort to ignore the obvious and deny the nature of Nature's co creative expression, reality persistently preside in present sense, reason inadvertently abide in mutual relevance, and mutual presence shared intent unequivocally entrain the flow Nature's manifest with or without our consent, approval or regard.
Existence is self evident, irrelevant to rule, irreverent of belief, and manifest irrespective of bias, regardless perspective or point of view. Mutual relevance collude to manifest the presence shared without the need of evidence or proof. (It must be mentioned that there’s ample proof if you're curious to know the nuts and bolts of how the fu@k does flow entangle the nature of change and entrain the fundamental building blocks of the universe to manifest matter.)
Consumed by the fear of failing to meet our own delusion we're obsessed with planning for a better future, learning from our past, scheming for profit and pandering the present we could have shared intent, in sense and mutual relevance.
Driven to distraction by the stress and strain of living up to expectation we often forget we may choose to change our wherewithal whenever. We lose sight of the fact that we may choose whatever wherewithal we wish by trying to make ends meet, to stay ahead of the pack and making the best with what have.
We defy the notion of present sense in lieu of the chaos we believe, and we close our minds to the nature of change to maintain the status quo we neither want or trust. We fail to remember that changing whatever reality we perceive is as easy as changing our point of view.
We defy the notion of present sense in lieu of the chaos we believe, and we close our minds to the nature of change to maintain the status quo we neither want or trust. We fail to remember that changing whatever reality we perceive is as easy as changing our point of view.
We try to appease the emptiness we feel by coveting social recognition, aspiring to greatness or flaunting our success. We endeavour to fill the unease of our endevour by incessantly consuming whatever entertainment appease our deluded sensibility, and drown our suffering and sorrow by immersing our conscious in whatever distraction that confirm the convention of our prevailing point of view.
We consciously ignore any evidence contrary to convention, and we confound our sense of ability by keeping our minds confined to what we believe. And to add insult to injury we refuse to acknowledge that our minds are wired to construe whatever suitable recollection of any experience to affirm whatever perspective we hold at the time.
And we obstinately deny that we are surprisingly proficient at reconstructing the present and evidently apt at confabulating suitable memories to replace contention.
What we feel amiss is the splendiferous wonder and awe-inspiring nature of flow we forego for the empty promise of delayed reward. We yearn for the fun we miss out on by playing to the rules, and so we end up feigning fealty while deep down we doubt what we know. Deep down we know that something is hidden, and we're left with a sneaky suspicion somebody knows what it is.
Our nagging concern about our present sense and the truth apparent is easily lost amid the clamour of our technologically enhanced digital environment's incessant demand for attention, and were constantly bombarded with news, views and opinions conspicuously construed to uphold the fallacy of social convention and stoke it's fear ridden conception with grave warnings of grim regard and misconceived perceptions of dire consequence.
What we inevitably end up believing is to keep abreast we need to plan better, prepare more, try harder, dig deeper, go bigger, go huge if you can and epic if you ever get that once in a lifetime opportunity.
What we miss along the way is everything that make living life well a worthy endeavor, the sanity to just be who we are without our past, to share whatever we think in sense, and share in the flow of manifest ability whenever, whomever we're with at the time.
Choosing the wherewithal of present sense we abide in the collective conscious consequence of living life to Nature's meticulous precedence, wade in the serendipitous wake of its co creative confluence, and cocreate what we manifest without expectation, presumption, or foregone conclusion.
The mutual presence we share at the moment of creation devise what we beget in the serendipitous reward of harmonic resonance, and inspire the consummate elation whenever we indulge the everness of Nature's manifest.
On behalf of the collective conscious we share know that you are always free to join in the serendipitous flow of sense and indulge the sanity of shared ability whenever, whoever, whatever wherewithal you come from.
You are welcome.
What we feel amiss is the splendiferous wonder and awe-inspiring nature of flow we forego for the empty promise of delayed reward. We yearn for the fun we miss out on by playing to the rules, and so we end up feigning fealty while deep down we doubt what we know. Deep down we know that something is hidden, and we're left with a sneaky suspicion somebody knows what it is.
Our nagging concern about our present sense and the truth apparent is easily lost amid the clamour of our technologically enhanced digital environment's incessant demand for attention, and were constantly bombarded with news, views and opinions conspicuously construed to uphold the fallacy of social convention and stoke it's fear ridden conception with grave warnings of grim regard and misconceived perceptions of dire consequence.
What we inevitably end up believing is to keep abreast we need to plan better, prepare more, try harder, dig deeper, go bigger, go huge if you can and epic if you ever get that once in a lifetime opportunity.
What we miss along the way is everything that make living life well a worthy endeavor, the sanity to just be who we are without our past, to share whatever we think in sense, and share in the flow of manifest ability whenever, whomever we're with at the time.
Choosing the wherewithal of present sense we abide in the collective conscious consequence of living life to Nature's meticulous precedence, wade in the serendipitous wake of its co creative confluence, and cocreate what we manifest without expectation, presumption, or foregone conclusion.
The mutual presence we share at the moment of creation devise what we beget in the serendipitous reward of harmonic resonance, and inspire the consummate elation whenever we indulge the everness of Nature's manifest.
On behalf of the collective conscious we share know that you are always free to join in the serendipitous flow of sense and indulge the sanity of shared ability whenever, whoever, whatever wherewithal you come from.
You are welcome.