The wonder of vision

You don't need any prior insight to marvel at the beauty of sight, or wonder at the dual entangled equal mirror opposite expression of a sense like vision in the dual entangled opposite left and right sides of our visual cortex.

I'll acknowledge that I am likely biased in my opinion, but you've got to admit that there is a beauty to witnessing the way Nature plays with fundamental principles in the manifestation of all manner of things.

For those who are unfamiliar to the neural tracts in the illustration it is worth noting how sensory input from our binocular visual field cross over at the optic chiasma prior to cognitive processing in the left and right visual cortex, whereas monocular perception from our left and right fields of vision terminate (uncrossed) at the pineal gland (one of the few non-dual functional structures of our brain), coincidentally also known as the 'Third Eye'.

For those who are familiar with the nature of 'Pranic Flow' in living beings, aware and the way it relates to the expression of our Chakra, the Pineal Gland represents the 'Seat of the Soul' and relates to the manifestation of intuition, extrasensory communication and insight, access to the collective unconscious, 'The Akashic Records, premonition, astral travelling, consulting the ancestors and conferring with the spirits of Nature.

From a 'Grand Scheme of Things' it is therefore not surprising that the Pineal Gland is responsible for such a curious range of functions beside the abovementioned subconscious processing of unilateral/outer visual field perception:

. Our ability to 'see' in the dark.
. Subconscious perception of 'danger'
. Regulation of sleep patterns
. Determination of dream cycles
. Mental alertness and acuity
. General wellbeing and mood
. Fight and Flight responses
. Long term memory (also see PTSD)
. The production of DMT

From a mutual relevance perspective the variety of functions, its occidental position and pine cone structure are all related in mutual relevance, clear and present evidence of the dual entangled equal mirror opposite expression of Nature's manifest, and tangible proof of what many of us hitherto considered to as a 'spiritual' ideology of Eastern philosopy.

From a mutual presence shared intent the relation between the Pineal Gland and 'Third Eye' Chakra isn't mere happenstance, but vested in the fortuitous expression of our interconnected existence, and the common conscious wherewithal we share in mutual relevance.
