Nature manifest now as always, and change occur inadvertently as it has inevitably forevermore.

If you consider the inference of social convention on our perception of the consummate nature of things you may want to change the way you look at things. And there's hardly a better way to illustrate the predicament than the profusion of delusion than the YouTube clips people post online. Particularly with regard to media that offer self improvement and lifestyle advice.

While any change may seem like a good idea from a wanting something better perspective the truth is that most are driven by a need for reward and likely  as confounded by the bias and belief that made the user want their 'remedy' in the first place. And that's besides the fact that they are often blatantly incorrect, spuriously vague, or deliberately misleading in what they offer in return for your investment.

Be that as it may, what behooves me is that the widespread confusion about the nature of relation and the apparent cognitive dissonance that society is suffering about the application of universal principles is the rot at the root of most causes and applications. That and the misappropriate and I'll informed use of spirit love and soul are a few of my personal pet peeves.

But even better than ranting about raving I find reminding myself that in the grand scheme of things, the present is perfect.

Reason is a revelation shared intent in present sense. One that manifest in mutual conscious relevance to mutual co creative presence shared.

We are often reminded that we live in a age where nothing is impossible and everything we want to know is just a Google search away to keep our yearning conscious at bay and entertain our awareness with a wanton pursuit for meaning. And whereas searching for eclectic existential solutions to seemingly elusive circumstance like happiness and sense, self worth and truth may be commonplace it doesn't refute the simple fact that being present is the only way we may know what is 'real', or  able to do anything about if we are not happy with our wherewithal. And with recent research findings that
being 'absent' is global disease and quantum proof that intent entrain existence to manifest reality the net result does not bode well for finding the answer to anything online, much less than a reason for being.
